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Rodent Traps

A variety of rodent traps is commercially available. From live traps to glue and classic snap traps*, these tools vary in effectiveness.

Live traps are designed to catch rodents without causing them physical harm. If not emptied in a timely manner, live traps may cause rodents to die of starvation. Rodents also have been known to return to their nests after being released.

Snap traps and glue boards are commonly used traps. They normally eliminate individual rodents, which require careful and timely disposal. Glue traps are popular traps that work through trapping the rodent on an adhesive material. The rodent dies of hypothermia, since it is unable to keeping its body temperature up through movement. However, some rodents are capable of escaping from glue traps. Snap traps kill rodents by utilizing a jaw or bar that rapidly closes on the rodent.

Rodent trap effectiveness often is dependent on placement and trapping technique. Homeowners are best advised to consult a pest control professional to control their rodent activity.

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